Sunday, December 23, 2007

Searchengines are not that stupid -- and content is still king

They say "content is king". Is it true?
If you're fairly experienced with websites, search
engines and traffic in general, you might have
heard this before. If you're really into internet
marketing, you've heard this time and again.
And I will wholly and totally confirm it: Content
IS king.
Stop using gimmicks and META tags and
sneaky tricks that "guarantee" traffic explosions
and nuclear hazards. Stop stealing other people's
content, either through XML, RSS, or whatever
XHDHTML you might think of. Duplicate and junk
content is OUT. Quality, timely, visitor-oriented
content is IN. Big time! Read on to find out more.

High-value, focused content keeps the Internet
world spinning properly on its View the rest of this article